
Modern Architecture

av Jonathan Glancey

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Förlag Gardners Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-04-13
Antal sidor 496
ISBN 9781802791013
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Explore over 500 masterpieces of modern architecture in this celebration of the most iconic buildings in the world.

Written by acclaimed architecture expert Jonathan Glancey, Modern Architecture is a beautifully illustrated guide to the key styles, architects and movements that have defined our skylines since the dawn of the twentieth century. From the dizzying heights of the Shard to the exquisite curves of the Sydney Opera House, and from Frank Lloyd Wright to Sir David Adjaye, this is the essential handbook to the creative discipline that shapes our world.

'His comments are always informative, unashamedly partisan and often enjoyably tart' - Sunday Telegraph

'One of the finest architectural writers in contemporary Britain' - Scotland on Sunday

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