
The World's Simplest Guide to the Stock Market

av Edward W. Ryan

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Förlag Gardners Books
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2024-04-16
Antal sidor 220
ISBN 9781804090206
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The World's Simplest Guide to the Stock Market provides a crash course on the essentials of stocks and the stock market. In plain language it gives clear answers to key questions such as: - What is a company, how do companies grow, how do companies raise money, and how does a company go public? - What is a stock, what causes stock prices to move, and what do investors experience when they own a stock? - What are stock exchanges, how do exchanges work, how do investors interact with exchanges, and what is an index? And much, much more. Author Edward W. Ryan brings life to what can be complex and daunting topics. By drawing on his own experiences as both a personal investor and a professional in the investment industry, he provides real-world context that makes the material relatable and memorable. The World's Simplest Guide to the Stock Market is the ideal first read for anyone new to stocks, but is also useful for someone looking for a refresher on the basics. If you want to understand stocks and the stock market, this is the place to start!
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