
Cut Up This Book and Create Your Own Wonderland

av Emily Eliza Scott

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Förlag Hachette UK
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2023-05-25
Antal sidor 128
ISBN 9781837760022
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Imagine mind-bending new worlds with over one thousand surprising images.

From the same team that created the best-selling Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage comes this new collection of surprising images: a trip down the rabbit hole which will blow your mind and add new life to your collages.

Every title in the Collage Kit series has all you need to create a host of surprising artworks of your own. There are over a thousand lively images - including backgrounds so you can create dramatic scenes - and a practical introduction will teach you the tricks of colour, composition, and juxtaposition that will fill your work with meaning and intrigue.
Just bring scissors, glue, and your imagination!
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