
Transnational Ecocinema

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2013-04-01
Antal sidor 216
ISBN 9781841507293
Lägg i varukorgen


This title is part of emerging fields in film studies (transnational, ecocriticism). It features a wide range of films from established and emerging filmmakers and industries. It has focus on different national contexts. It also focuses on art commercial cinema. Ecocritical approaches are increasingly recognised/popular in the humanities. Until recently, discussion of Hollywood film has dominated much of the contemporary dialogue on ecocriticism and the cinema. With "Transnational Ecocinema", the editors open up the critical debate to look at a larger variety of films from many different countries and cultures. By foregrounding these films with their economic and political contexts, the contributors offer a more comprehensive and nuanced look at the role of place in ecocinema. The essays also interrogate proposed global solutions to environmental issues by presenting an ecocritical perspective on different film and cultural considerations from around the globe.
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