
Gender, Crime and Victimisation

av Pamela Stitzlein Davies

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Förlag SAGE Publications Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2010-11-16
Antal sidor 221
ISBN 9781847870285
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"Gender, Crime and Victimisation" is a thoughtful and thought-provoking book, exploring gender patterns in both offending and victimisation. It offers a thorough examination of how these patterns in society are variously established and represented, researched, explained and responded to by policy makers and criminal justice agencies. Bringing together key theory, research and policy developments, the book combines perspectives on the study of criminology with those of victimology and gender studies - drawing particularly on the influence of feminism. It analyses processes of criminalisation and social control, and their structural biases. It explores fears, anxieties and worries about crime, as well as particular vulnerabilities to crime. The book employs a range of learning devices to support the student reader, including: chapter overviews; case studies and examples; study questions; further reading at the end of each chapter; and, a comprehensive glossary. Comprehensive and robust, "Gender, Crime and Victimisation" provides a stimulating and topical overview that will appeal to undergraduates.
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