
Virus of the mind - the revolutionary new science of the meme and how it af

av Brodie Richard

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-06-04
Antal sidor 288
ISBN 9781848501270
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We are surrounded by information in the 21st Century: we are bombarded by advertising, attitudes, celebrities, news, wars, fashion, the latest fads... the sheer amount of information we have access to appears untameable, unworkable, and too much to gain sense from unless we pick and choose very carefully. However, our choices are very often made for us as the result of advertising, media companies, the government and popular culture. The results of these choices are called memes, and their impact is shaping not just society but us individually, and on a core level, beyond psychology, personal free will, and even genetics. The very first book on the subject of memes, and how they behave just like viruses, this is an incredible study into the power of communication and "going along with everyone else". Virus of the Mind explains just how we are "infected" by the deliberate shaping of society's attitudes and behaviours - and how we can cure ourselves.
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