
Sent by an Angel: A True Story of Tragic Loss and Unexpected Love

av Kevin Skelton

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Förlag The Book Services TBS
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2011-02-07
Antal sidor 240
ISBN 9781848503007
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Kevin Skelton watched helplessly as a bomb ripped apart the life he knew. It was 15 August 1998, and the place was Omagh, in Northern Ireland. Kevin's wife Mena was one of the 29 people killed that day, and his daughter Shauna was horrifically injured. Kevin had lost the love of his life. He sank into the depths of despair after the bomb. At a time when his family needed him most, he turned to drink and self-loathing, often wishing he could have taken Mena's place that day. More than once, he held a loaded shotgun to his mouth, but he could never go through with it. Mena was the angel who saved him. Before she died, she and Kevin had been bringing a young girl, Andreea, from a Romanian orphanage, for holidays to their home. In memory of Mena, Kevin decided to adopt Andreea, but on his first trip to Romania to start proceedings, he was shocked to discover that her mother, Maria, was still alive. In the most unlikely of circumstances, a love blossomed between them, convincing Kevin that Mena had sent Andreea and Maria to him so that he could find happiness again. He believes Mena has been a constant presence in the family's lives since her death, watching over them and protecting them. Sent by an Angel is a true story of love rising from the ashes of tragedy, a romance that reaches beyond the boundaries of this world.
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