
Sociology for Social Work : An Introduction | 1:a upplagan

av Chris Yuill och Alastair Gibson

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2010-10-21
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9781848606500
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This excellent textbook introduces the social work student to the field of sociology, illustrating how sociology is connected to and fundamental to effective social work practice. Each chapter applies theory to practice and is uniquely co-written by a sociologist, social worker and service user. A wide range of topics and subjects relevant to social work are covered, including:



-Ethnicity and race




-Social exclusion

-Crime and deviance



The book comes with access to an exciting companion website offering the reader downloads, web links, powerpoint slides and case studies. Every chapter of the book further includes further case studies, along with lots of clear definitions of terms, and reflection points, making this book the essential introductory text for all social work students.

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