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Mathematics Through Play in the Early Years | 2:a upplagan

av Kate Tucker

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Förlag SAGE Publications Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2010-03-01
Upplaga 2
Fler upplagor 2014/3, 2005/1, 2005/1
Antal sidor 166
ISBN 9781848608849
Lägg i varukorgen


Teaching mathematics to young children in creative ways is made easy with this second edition of a wonderful book, which offers the reader clear advice and lots of exciting ideas to use in any early years setting. By showing how to introduce mathematical concepts through play-based activities, this book is in tune with current thinking about best practice in teaching, and with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and current Primary National Strategy. New material includes: an additional chapter on creative recording; a whole new chapter on ways to involve parents; discussion of policy throughout the UK; more on using ICT; and, case studies covering the whole birth to eight age range. Essential reading for any practitioner who wants to develop their mathematics teaching, this book is equally important for all trainee teachers and early years students. Kate Tucker is an early years teacher, trainer and writer based in Exeter; she has over 20 years of experience, and has written widely on early years mathematics and Foundation Stage practice.

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