
Watching the English : The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour | 2:a upplagan

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Förlag Hodder & Stoughton General Division
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-07-01
Upplaga 2
Antal sidor 600
ISBN 9781857886160
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Ten years later, they're still talking about the weather! Kate Fox, the social anthropologist who put the quirks and hidden conditions of the English under a microscope, is back with more biting insights about the nature of Englishness. This updated and revised edition of Watching the English--which over the last decade has become the unofficial guidebook to the English national character--features new and fresh insights on the unwritten rules and foibles of "squaddies," bikers, horse-riders, and more. Fox revisits a strange and fascinating culture, governed by complex sets of unspoken rules and bizarre codes of behavior. She demystifies the peculiar cultural rules that baffle us: the rules of weather-speak. The ironic-gnome rule. The reflex apology rule. The paranoid pantomime rule. Class anxiety tests. The roots of English self-mockery and many more. An international bestseller, Watching the English is a biting, affectionate, insightful and often hilarious look at the English and their society.
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