
If I Change, So Can The World: Forty Positive Steps To Global Togetherness

av Paula Pluck

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2005-10-24
Antal sidor 63
ISBN 9781905398065
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Establish an inner peace through simple routines of relaxation and meditation. The best ideas are the simplest: 'The world around us mirrors our inner worlds.' Paula Pluck takes this basic principle and with the utmost clarity gives us forty practical things we can do to make sure that the peace we find deep inside ourselves filters out towards our loved ones, our families, our community and helps us all contribute to a new global togetherness. You don't need to be a profound spiritual thinker or new-age guru to follow Paula's ideas. "If I Change, So Can the World..." will help you to: establish an inner peace through simple routines of relaxation and meditation; redesign your life to make space for the real you; develop your own transformational style and take your friends, family and community along with you; review the blueprints of your existence; and be true to yourself and watch the world create its own happiness from the seeds you sow. Paula Pluck has a background in organisational and personal development but now works on the beautiful Isle of Man as a holistic healer and part-time consultant. She transformed her own life to do this and in "If I Change, So Can the World..." , she shares with us the ideas that helped her to make her change, so to enable us to make our own.
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