
Dedication: The Foundations of Huawei's HR Management

av Huang Weiwei

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2016-09-14
Antal sidor 302
ISBN 9781910649510
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In 2012, the Chinese company Huawei Technologies overtook Ericsson to become the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer, firmly establishing itself on the world business map. Today, it has over 170,000 employees worldwide and in 2014 the company generated a remarkable profit of $5.5 billion. Whilst research and development and the technology that results from it are core drivers of Huawei's success, the company's amazing growth is also determined by its human resource strategy. This is based on a "customer-first" attitude, the belief that obtaining opportunities is through hard work and, above all, "a dedication to do the best in anything we do". How Huawei promotes this dedication amongst its workforce is the subject of this important book. Through original incentive systems, employee ownership and the mentality to act like a boss, Huawei has managed to create a culture of dedication that has become the bedrock of its growth today.

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