
Prof Wexler, World Explorer : The Wacky Adventures of the World's Greatest Explorer

av Charles Berlin

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Förlag Adventures Unlimited Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2005-11-01
Antal sidor 136
ISBN 9781931882293
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From the pages of "World Explorer" magazine comes this zany, wacky compilation of cartoons, pulp-era parodies, and comics featuring the never-ending escapades of the intrepid Professor Wexler - a bespectacled, unshaven, unabashed adventurer - into the fringes of the unknown and weird. It includes all of the original cartoons, plus a new feature-length comic of the Professor, and an introduction by "World Explorer" editor and "Lost Cities" author David Hatcher Childress. With a pipe clenched in his teeth, the ever-resilient professor encounters everything from Bigfoot, UFOs, and the Loch Ness Monster to the dangerous jungles, deserts and denizens of the remote parts of the world. Professor Wexler is a Doc Savage/Indiana Jones character who lives on the edge of life, and one never knows what sort of predicament he will be in next. It includes a full length graphic novel of the latest exploits.
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