
Weather Warfare: The Military's Plan To Draft Mother Nature

av Jerry E Smith

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Förlag Adventures Unlimited Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2006-12-01
Antal sidor 404
ISBN 9781931882606
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Mother nature has been drafted! Floods, Droughts, Tsunamis, Hurricanes & Volcanic Eruptions - Weapons of the Future - or Today? Weather modification in the form of cloud seeding to increase snow packs in the Sierras or hail suppression over Kansas is now an everyday affair. Underground nuclear tests in Nevada have set off earthquakes. A Russian company has been offering to sell typhoons (hurricanes) on demand since the 1990s, and scientists have been searching for ways to move hurricanes for over fifty years. In the same amount of time we went from the Wright Brothers to Neil Armstrong, hundreds of environmental and weather modifying technologies have been patented in the US alone and hundreds more are being developed in civilian, academic, military and quasi-military laboratories around the world at this moment. This book lays bare the grim facts of who is doing it and why. The book updates recent developments at HAARP, including its possible connection to the crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia. Did HAARP play a role in Hurricane Katrina? Smith puts these technologies into context by examining the geopolitical conflicts that are driving their development from globalisation and the rise of Neo-Con Neo-Fascism to terrorism and 'Peak Oil'.
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