
Shakespeare Code

av Virginia M Fellows

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2006
Antal sidor 362
ISBN 9781932890020
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The Shakespeare Code reveals the astounding true story of codes concealed in the works of Shakespeare and other writers of his time. For over 250 years, the codes went undiscovered. And more than one person suffered severely for daring to speak the secrets they contain. The codes reveal an explosive story the hidden marriage of Elizabeth, the “Virgin Queen,” murder and scandal, corruption and lies at the highest levels. Virginia Fellows' fascinating and endearing tale weaves together the facts and history of the controversy, deception, and mystery. She unfolds the true-life story of Francis Bacon as the rejected prince, son of Elizabeth, as encrypted in the writings attributed to Shakespeare. These secrets could not be told in Bacon's own time, so he concealed them in code, hoping for a future when it would be discovered, when men could be free to speak and know the truth. Fellows' exhaustive research includes a nineteenth-century “cipher wheel,” still in existence today. Photos of the 100-year-old device are included in the book.
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