
God within - the day gods train stopped

av Patti (patti Conklin) Conklin

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2014-07-17
Antal sidor 224
ISBN 9781937907235
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Patti Conklin believes that when the universe began, a cacophony of tones, which we now identify as frequency, echoed throughout the universe and they were both chaotic and highly ordered. This book is about how we can use that knowledge to impact our physical lives. Patti Conklin has learned that everything in the universe has a frequency and that quantum physics goes hand in hand with metaphysics, even though we are taught that the two are separate. We are all made up of particles which vibrate and these particles were created by a source . . . a God or Goddess she refers to as Father, which is greater than the sum total of us humans. In her work as a healer, she has learned from the work of Bruce Lipton on cellular biology and Richard Gerber on vibrational medicine. She has developed a toolbox, a method to use the frequencies of light and sound to heal thousands of people. Here are numerous true examples of people who experience real changes in health, well-being and spiritual transformation. Sometimes we believe pain is necessary to heal. We often don't have the faith to believe miracles can happen in the blink of an eye. This book will help heal that illusion in an easy, comprehensive way. Whether you believe in science or faith, in truth the idea that they are separate is only a perception.
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