
Real hope true freedom - understanding and coping with sex addiction

av Marsha (marsha Means) Means

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2017-04-05
Antal sidor 292
ISBN 9781942094302
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Sex addiction can be profoundly difficult to face. It destroys relationships, marriages, families and careers. Anyone afflicted with sex addiction, as well as the people who love them will find invaluable assistance within this book. Milton Magness' and Marsha Means' essential guide is filled with in-depth information and delivered with deep understanding and compassion. REAL HOPE TRUE FREEDOM is a comprehensive volume that covers a wide variety of topics for anyone who wants to understand sex addiction and the process of recovery. It addresses the different manifestations of sex addiction, how sex addiction impacts the brain, sex addiction risk factors, when sex addiction co-occurs with other mental health disorders, barriers to getting help/treatment, information and resources specific to the needs of the partners of sex addicts, the process of treatment, the process of recovery for both individuals and couples, relationship rebuilding, re-establishing intimacy, healthy sexuality and relapse prevention tools and strategies. The authors provide multiple success stories designed to communicate that is possible for relationships not only to survive sex addiction, but, also, to thrive in recovery. The book is, in part, structured in an FAQ style format to address frequently asked questions (FAQ) about sex addiction. The questions included were selected from completed questionnaires submitted by more than 270 people who contributed over 4,000 questions.
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