
Secret Doctrine Of Anahuac

av Samael Aun Weor

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-08-23
Antal sidor 284
ISBN 9781943358045
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“Be ye therefore wise as serpents...” —Jesus. A mysterious serpent is found in all religions and mythologies, yet its true meaning was known only to initiates of the secret doctrine... In the Bible, a serpent tempted Eve, yet a serpent, also, healed the Israelites. Apollo fought the dreaded Python, while a healing serpent rose upon the rod of Aesculapius. The dual nature of the serpent is obvious, yet few know that the serpent is within us. In THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF ANAHUAC, Samael Aun Weor explores the traditions of the Aztecs to demonstrate the universal, dualistic symbol of the serpent, its practical meaning and its vital role in our lives, whether aiding our spiritual development or tempting us towards degeneration and suffering. Yet, this is not a book of theories or beliefs but a manual of practical techniques that you can begin applying today, such as meditation, awakening in the world of dreams, jinn science, sexual transmutation and much more. By awakening consciousness, you no longer need beliefs or theories because you will know the truth from your own experience. “When the igneous serpent of our magical powers ascends along the spinal medullar canal of the human body, it is our Divine Mother Kundalini. When the igneous serpent descends downwardly projected from the coccygeal bone towards the atomic infernos of humans, it is the abominable Kundabuffer organ... the tail of Satan." —Samael Aun Weor
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