
Isaac The Instigator

av Jeff TuckerIllustrated by Brian Martin

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-05-05
Antal sidor 31
ISBN 9781944882860
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Isaac isn't any ordinary alligator living quietly in the swamp. He's an INSTIgator! He spends his days spying on the neighbours and eavesdropping on their conversations. The more he listens, the more jealous he becomes. They have real friendships. He's all alone. With no one to talk to except an old, rotting stump, Isaac is angry and miserable. So he sets out to make sure everyone else in the swamp is miserable, too. Isaac can perfectly mimic every voice in the swamp, and he uses this special talent to start arguments, stir up trouble, and turn friends against friends. Isaac gleefully watches the mischief he set in motion. He didn't care If I can't have friends, why should anyone else? he tells the stump. But can he instigate a fight between two of the swamp's biggest besties? Or will they sniff out his dirty trick and teach him a lesson he'll never forget? Follow Isaac as he learns that treating others with kindness is the first step to creating friendships. And that having a friend can help you feel less angry. ISAAC THE INSTIGATOR is an entertaining story written for young readers. Included are tips for parents, counsellors and educators on how to help children build relationships with peers, show kindness and compassion, and cultivate empathy.
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