
Black Book Of Johnathan Knotbristle

av Chris Allaun

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Förlag Stardist bokimport
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2023-05-30
Antal sidor 252
ISBN 9781959883067
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THE BLACK BOOK OF JOHNATHAN KNOTBRISTLE offers an engaging, hands-on manual of old style Witchcraft disguised in the creatively woven words of the Devil's parable. Chris Allaun, drawing on his decades of experience in the study and practice of Witchcraft, utilizes storytelling to illustrate how a Witch could have found compact, and thus power, through communion with the figure known as the Devil. Each chapter is a new lesson told from the perspective of our main character, Johnathan Knotbristle, that he, in turn, learns from the Devil. The second part of the book is the actual grimoire that offers the reader step by step instructions for working the acts of magic referenced in part one. It includes workings to create the Devil's Stang, methods of entering trance, instructions on spirit conjuration, and much, much more.
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