
Visual Merchandising for Fashion

av Jonathan Baker

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Förlag Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2014-01-02
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9782940496129
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How do we define retail spaces to maintain commerciality and the 'experience' to encapsulate the virtual world as well as the physical one? How do we journey from private to public place? Where do people meet before they go shopping? Why do we go to a particular store and not another? What makes things sell? What first attracts us to a brand? Visual merchandising is concerned with all of these questions - and incorporates the relationship between brand, consumer, product and environment. This book will help visual merchandisers develop new ways of working within the fashion retail business and will define a theoretical underpinning of visual merchandising principles. Examples are used to highlight and amplify the theoretical narratives existing in consumer spaces and their representations. Interviews provide invaluable advice from all levels of industry. When designing, producing or installing a visual merchandising concept, this book will encourage you to generate individual and self directed designs - this is the ultimate visual guide to merchandising for fashion.
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