
Smart Systems for E-Health : WBAN Technologies, Security and Applications | 1:a upplagan

av Hanen Idoudi och Thierry Val

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-05-02
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 294
ISBN 9783030149383
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The purpose of this book is to review the recent advances in E-health technologies and applications. In particular, the book investigates the recent advancements in physical design of medical devices, signal processing and emergent wireless technologies for E-health. In a second part, novel security and privacy solutions for IoT-based E-health applications are presented. The last part of the book is focused on applications, data mining and data analytics for E-health using artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructure.

E-health has been an evolving concept since its inception, due to the numerous technologies that can be adapted to offer new innovative and efficient E-health applications.  Recently, with the tremendous advancement of wireless technologies, sensors and wearable devices and software technologies, new opportunities have arisen and transformed the E-health field. Moreover, with the expansion of the Internet of Things, and the huge amount of data that connected E-health devices and applications are generating, it is also mandatory to address new challenges related to the data management, applications management and their security. Through this book, readers will be introduced to all these concepts.

This book is intended for all practitioners (industrial and academic) interested in widening their knowledge in wireless communications and embedded technologies applied to E-health, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and big data for E-health applications and security issues in E-health.

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