
Applied Ethics for Entrepreneurial Success: Recommendations for the Developing World : 2018 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference (GSMAC) on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics | 1:a upplagan

av Sebastian Vaduva och Ioan Fotea

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2020-08-14
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 158
ISBN 9783030172176
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This proceedings volume examines the impact of ethics on business and entrepreneurship predominantly from the Romanian perspective. Featuring selected contributions from the 2018 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference (GMSAC) on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics, this book investigates the impact of different social phenomena have upon the understanding and applicability of entrepreneurship and ethics, providing lessons for emerging economies.

In emerging economies, entrepreneurship is often times associated with a negative image and entrepreneurs are seen in an unfavorable light. This is due in part to the fact that from a superficial perspective, entrepreneurial behavior does not always amalgamate well with ethical behavior. Entrepreneurship is often perceived as “success at all costs” with little regard to the interest of stakeholder and, sometimes, even the law. On the other hand, ethics are often viewed as metaphysical, having little to do with business, organizational and financial success. In actuality, ethical decisions are a significant part of an organization and ethical behaviors impact organizational culture. Beyond the moral aspects associated with business ethics, companies that practice ethical demeanor are more profitable because investors, employees and consumers seek out companies that engage in fair practices.

Featuring contributions on topics such as medical ethics, business education, consumer behavior and governance, this book provides invaluable research and tools for students, professors, practitioners and policy makers in the field s of business, management, public administration and sociology.

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