
Assessing the Left Turn in Ecuador | 1:a upplagan

av Francisco Sánchez och Simón Pachano

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 373
ISBN 9783030276270
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This book examines the “left turn” in Latin American politics, specifically through the lens of Ecuador and the effects of the Citizens’ Revolution’s actions and public policies on relevant actors and institutions. Through a comprehensive analysis of one country’s turn to the left and the outcomes generated by that process, the authors and editors provide a clearer understanding of the ways in which the popular desire for change (predominant through the region in recent times, as a response to late-twentieth-century neoliberalism) was realized—or not. The particular case of Ecuador further potentiates analysis of the entire region-wide process, considering that the “corrector” cycle is now at an end, and that the economic and international conditions that favored the return of left governments have also changed.
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