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av Carol A. Mullen

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Övrigt
Utgiven 2022-03-03
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2022/1
Antal sidor 1230
ISBN 9783030358587
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[DRAFT- to be finalized later]

The Handbook of Social Justice Interventions features interventions in social justice within education and leadership, from early years to higher education and in mainstream and alternative, formal and informal settings. Researchers from across academic disciplines and different countries will describe implementable social justice work underway in learning environments—organizations, programs, classrooms, communities, etc. Robust, dynamic, and emergent theory-informed applications in real-world places will make known the applied knowledge base in social justice, and its empirical, ideological, and advocacy orientations.

A multiplicity of social justice-oriented lenses, policies, strategies, and tools is represented in this Handbook, along with qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Alternative and conventional approaches alike will advance knowledge and educational and social utility.  To cover the field comprehensively the subject (i.e., social justice education and leadership) is subdivided into four sections. Part 1 (appraisal) appraises the status of social justice literature. Part II (schools) addresses interventions and explorations in public schools. Part III (education) covers undergraduate and graduate education and preservice teacher programs, classrooms, and curricula, in addition to teacher and student leadership in schools. Part IV (leadership) features educational leadership and higher education leadership domains, from organizational change efforts to preservice leader preparation programs, classrooms, etc.

Assembling this unique material in one place by a leading cast will enable readers easy access to the latest research-informed interventionist practices on a timely topic. They can build on this work that takes the promise of social justice to the next level for changing global learning environments and workplaces.

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