
Diagnostic Thoracic Pathology | 1:a upplagan

av Annikka Weissferdt

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-07-07
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 1142
ISBN 9783030364373
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This book covers the wide subject of pathological processes that can affect the lung, pleura and mediastinum. It is meant to offer the practicing surgical pathologist as well pathologists in training a practical approach to the diagnosis of the many entities that can be found in the thoracic cavity. The current work covers the whole range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic thoracic pathology subdivided by anatomic site and arranged by family of tumors for neoplastic disease and by etiology or affected structure for non-neoplastic disease. The emphasis of this book lies on a morphological approach to the diagnosis of thoracic pathology, and is supported by information about ancillary techniques and inclusion of generous photomicrographs, tables and illustrations.

Diagnostic Thoracic Pathology aims to enhance the interest of the reader in the subject of thoracic pathology and most of all assist surgical pathologists in their daily practice. 

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