
Textbook of Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty : Open Surgical Techniques | 1:a upplagan

av Natarajan Balaji

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-08-01
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 393
ISBN 9783030481568
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This textbook addresses the growing need for a manual that teaches when and how to perform nasal tip rhinoplasty through an “Open-Approach”. Practitioners will value the comprehensive coverage of the topic.

The actual surgical steps involved in the various techniques form the main body of the work, while a wealth of intra-operative photographs facilitate the learning experience. The views expressed are solely those of the author, based on his personal experience. He makes no claims to the content being exhaustive or the only possible approach and has extensively referenced various experts in the field who have contributed to this topic. This book represents the author’s view of how to approach nasal tip deformities, and how to arrive at an algorithm in putting together various surgical techniques in a “sequence” to achieve meaningful results. The book also explores the clinical correlation, which is just as or arguably even more important in nasal tip surgery. The main chapters will focus on the suture, grafting, non-suture and non-grafting techniques in nasal tip reconstruction.
Drawing on the author’s surgical experience, gathered in the course of over 1700 open tip surgeries over 23 years, the book fills a lacuna in teaching and training and will be of interest to all trainees and consultant surgeons seeking concise information on nasal tip surgery.

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