
NATO at 70 : A Political Economy Perspective | 1:a upplagan

av Keith Hartley

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-11
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 104
ISBN 9783030543945
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NATO is facing a unique crisis questioning its existence and future.  This book provides a detailed in-depth economic and critical analysis of the issues.  It considers whether NATO has a future and what it might look like 70 years ahead.  NATO is undergoing a process of dramatic change, reorganising its functions, funding and strategic responsibilities to address growing regional and global threats. This book not only explores the contentiousness of economic and financial burden-sharing and the associated political and diplomatic stresses involved in the pursuit of common strategic objectives, but contributes to a further debate concerning the expanded scope and roles of the Alliance in the 21st century.  This book combines NATO’s political controversies, complexities and conflicts with a treatment of the underlying theoretical economic frameworks.

This book is essential reading for students in military staff colleges, university International Relations and Strategic Affairs Departments, but also to those working in government defence establishments, independent think tanks and political and economic institutions, generally.

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