
From Hurricanes to Epidemics : The Ocean's Evolving Impact on Human Health - Perspectives from the U.S. | 1:a upplagan

av Kevin Michael Conrad

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-03-20
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 396
ISBN 9783030550110
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This book provides a complete and current overview of the correlation between ocean conditions and human health, publishing comprehensively for the first time on the direct interactions among oceanography, marine biology and impacts on human health. Specifically the text addresses how changing ocean conditions result in health impacts and disruptions, with a focus on cases in the USA. ­ The changing ocean conditions that are discussed include diminishing marine biodiversity, climactic changes such as intensified weather events, shifting sea currents and increasing sea temperature. The book addresses the resulting health issues brought about by these various ocean conditions, such as emerging infectious diseases, starvation and poisoning among impacted communities, toxic algae blooms, threatened ecosystems, and other future implications. ­ The text was developed in conjunction with scientists from Brown University, the University of Rhode Island, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of California at Riverside and Ochsner Health, all located in areas deeply impacted by the changing Oceans. ­ The book will be of interest to marine research scientists, health care professionals, students, and general enthusiasts of oceanography and health. 
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