
Discovering Theory in Clinical Practice : A Casebook for Clinical Counseling and Social Work Practice | 1:a upplagan

av Rhonda Peterson Dealey och Michelle R. Evans

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-11
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 233
ISBN 9783030573096
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This theory-focused casebook provides the reader with an overview of multiple counseling theories and utilizes specific cases representing a variety of clients to demonstrate the integration of theory in clinical counseling and social work practice. Through the use of dynamic cases, the reader is shown how theory informs day-to-day practice.  Each theoretical case study includes a section on cultural considerations and discussion questions:
  • Object Relations Theory: The Case of Elyse
  • Self Psychology Theory: The Case of Evan
  • Person-Centered Therapy: The Case of Tommy
  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: The Case of Jim
  • Relational Cultural Theory: The Case of Monica
  • Systems Theory: The Case of Esperanza
  • Experiential Therapy: The Case of Sam
Discovering Theory in Clinical Practice: A Casebook for Clinical Counseling and Social Work Practice is an essential text for instructors to teach the development of a theoretical foundation that easily integrates into core topics of relevance for graduate students in social work, counseling, psychology, marriage and family therapy, and human behavior who intend to work with a diverse set of client populations. The book also will be a great asset to early-career practitioners and clinical supervision participants who are continuing to build a professional working template of skills in both theory and practice as they conceptualize patient problems and develop treatment plans.

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