
Entrepreneurship, Technology Commercialisation, and Innovation Policy in Africa | 1:a upplagan

av Chux Daniels och Mafini Dosso

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-04
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 300
ISBN 9783030582395
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of role of entrepreneurship, technology commercialisation and innovation policy for the achievement of economic development and prosperity in African societies. It adopts a broad innovation systems approach. The book examines entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology commercialisation alongside context-specific factors associated with them. It also provides an interdisciplinary perspective, by discussing the above disciplines in a connected way. This book is presented in three distinct parts. It starts by discussing entrepreneurship and the state of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Africa. It then moves on to present technology commercialisation in Africa, before finally discussing the future directions for entrepreneurship, technology commercialisation and innovation policy. This broad picture provided in the book enables the reader to grasp the relevant messages, whilst the detailed analysis applies world-class theories and frameworks to deepen the readers understanding of key concepts and issues examined.
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