
CBT Case Formulation as Therapeutic Process | 1:a upplagan

av Giovanni Maria Ruggiero och Gabriele Caselli

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-26
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 329
ISBN 9783030635862
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This book reasserts the importance of case formulation as the first step in implementing effective cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT), centering it as the main operative tool of CBT approaches by which the therapist handles the whole psychotherapeutic process. Chapters discuss specific CBT interventions and components of the treatment, aspecific factors including therapeutic alliance and relationship, and theoretical and historical background of CBT practices. 

In addition, the book assumes that in CBTs the case formulation is a procedure which is continuously shared and reevaluated between patient and therapist throughout the course of treatment. This aspect is increasingly becoming the distinguishing feature of CBT approaches as it embodies CBT's basic tenets and implies full confidence in patients’ conscious agreement, transparent cooperation and explicit commitment with CBT’s model of clinical change.
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