
Youth and Politics in Times of Increasing Inequalities | 1:a upplagan

av Marco Giugni och Maria T. Grasso

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-05-12
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9783030636753
Lägg i varukorgen


Young people are very often the driving forces of political participation that aims to change societies and political systems. Rather than being depoliticized, young people in different national contexts may be giving rise to alternative politics which implies participating in politics in different ways – in youth organizations, through unconventional modes of participation, social media and various forms of democratic innovation and experimentation. Moreover, the rise of lifestyle politics twinned with the popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter has meant that young people have been able to construct their own sense of community through the Internet often based around identity politics and campaigning around issues surrounding the politics of recognition. On the other hand, online participation may have further exacerbated inequalities in political action between young haves and have-nots. Drawing on original survey data collected in 2018, this edited volume provides a detailed analysis of youth participation in nine European countries in the current historical juncture. It follows a logical structure consisting of three main parts, each focusing on a specific analytical dimension: the first part deals with socialization processes underlying youth’s political participation; the second part focuses on different modes of participation by young people; finally, the third part addresses the mobilization of youth politics. 

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