
Bifurcation Theory of Impulsive Dynamical Systems | 1:a upplagan

av Xinzhi Liu och Kevin E.M. Church

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-02-23
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 356
ISBN 9783030645328
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This monograph presents the most recent progress in bifurcation theory of impulsive dynamical systems with time delays and other functional dependence. It covers not only smooth local bifurcations, but also some non-smooth bifurcation phenomena that are unique to impulsive dynamical systems. The monograph is split into four distinct parts, independently addressing both finite and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems before discussing their applications. The primary contributions are a rigorous nonautonomous dynamical systems framework and analysis of nonlinear systems, stability, and invariant manifold theory. Special attention is paid to the centre manifold and associated reduction principle, as these are essential to the local bifurcation theory. Specifying to periodic systems, the Floquet theory is extended to impulsive functional differential equations, and this permits an exploration of the impulsive analogues of saddle-node, transcritical, pitchfork and Hopf bifurcations.

Readers will learn how techniques of classical bifurcation theory extend to impulsive functional differential equations and, as a special case, impulsive differential equations without delays. They will learn about stability for fixed points, periodic orbits and complete bounded trajectories, and how the linearization of the dynamical system allows for a suitable definition of hyperbolicity. They will see how to complete a centre manifold reduction and analyze a bifurcation at a nonhyperbolic steady state.

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