
Elementary Mechanics Using Matlab

Köp begagnad bok

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Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2016-11-01
ISBN 9783319386737
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This book - specifically developed as a novel textbook on elementary classical mechanics - shows how analytical and numerical methods can be seamlessly integrated to solve physics problems. This approach allows students to solve more advanced and applied problems at an earlier stage and equips them to deal with real-world examples well beyond the typical special cases treated in standard textbooks. Another advantage of this approach is that students are brought closer to the way physics is actually discovered and applied, as they are introduced right from the start to a more exploratory way of understanding phenomena and of developing their physical concepts. While not a requirement, it is advantageous for the reader to have some prior knowledge of scientific programming with a scripting-type language. This edition of the book uses Matlab, and a chapter devoted to the basics of scientific programming with Matlab is included. A parallel edition using Python instead of Matlab is also available. Last but not least, each chapter is accompanied by an extensive set of course-tested exercises and solutions.
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