
Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals : Textbook and Colour Atlas | 6:e upplagan

av Horst Erich Konig och Hans-Georg Liebich

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Förlag Thieme Publishing Group
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2013-12-27
Upplaga 6
Fler upplagor 2009/4
ISBN 9783794528332
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The standard atlas and textbook combination for students and practitioners alike!

Veterinary medicine is subject to constant change: The focus in veterinary schools is shifting more and more to real-life situations. In addition to basic anatomical knowledge and standard techniques, veterinary practitioners and surgeons need to keep abreast by obtaining specialized knowledge, including new imaging techniques. This updated and expanded 6th edition of Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals will get you ready for both veterinary exams and clinical practice and will keep you at the cutting edge.

Excellent didactic graphs and clear structure make both studying and referencing fun! Numerous new, brilliant figures, especially on imaging techniques, bring anatomy to life and help you get a comprehensible grasp of clinical examination techniques.

  • Unique text-atlas combination: anatomical basics and clinical specials in catchy combination with outstanding photographs and detailed graphics
  • Approx. 1,100 figures: macroanatomical and histologic preparations, sliced plastinations, modern imaging techniques and additional coloured schemas

New in the 6th edition:

  • Additional chapter: "Sectional anatomy and imaging processes" with an introduction to plastination, CT, MRT, ultrasound and endoscopy, with a total of 51 new figures
  • Added clinical examination techniques: rectal examination, equine endoscopy, palpation of bony structures

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