
Zone Therapy – Reflexologi : Reflexes and reflections

av Ing-Marie Sundling

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Förlag Ing-Marie Sundling, Zonterapi
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2000-06-01
Antal sidor 144
ISBN 9789163100192
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"Nothing in my entire life has had such a radical impact on my professional life and my views on lifestyle and health as my work with zone therapy/reflexology."
This is how Inga-Marie Sundling begins her book, where she describes her experieces of more than 25 years with zone therapy – a simple, direct and effective method of treatment. The metamorphic technique described in the book uses zone therapy as its basis, but referes primarily to our nine months as a foetus and the influences during that period. It is a very soft type of treatment, easy to learn an easy to practise.
This book appeals to everybody who understands the possibilities of alternative methods for relief and care, especially of chronic conditions. The treatment methods are described though insturctive pictures and charts.
The author lays stress on the importance of lifestyle, diet and the function of the intestine. Her own investigations show how dairy products have a negative impact on the health of many people.
The book "Zone Therapy - Reflexology" is based on the author's own experiences and cases. This makes the book engaging and it inspires you to try the author's methods and dietary advice.
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