THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR PYRAMIDWith a Nordic Perspective on Social EntrepreneurshipJan-U. SandalISBN 978-91-633-6459-4Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal is an economic historian who graduated from Lund University. He lives and works in Norway. His fields of activity include research, development programmes, lecturing, seminars, professional training and courses within social entrepreneurship, humanities and social science with special emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship. Dr. Sandal collaborates with researchers, lecturers, entrepreneurs, students and practitioners in Norway and across the world.PRAISE FOR Dr. Jan-U. Sandal`s The Social Entrepreneur Pyramid: With a Nordic Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship"Dr. Sandal's analysis of existing social entrepreneurship in Scandinavia emphasizes it is not a movement confined to exploiting sporadic, temporary and extremely popular goods and services as a link in the chain of the welfare state's expanded social system. Instead, social entrepreneurship is a phenomenon representing as far as is possible a renewal and revitalisation of the democratic system itself. This condition is admirably displayed in both educational and analytical terms in Dr. Sandal's book. I have no doubt THE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR PYRAMID: With a Nordic Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship will be recognized as a major contribution helping people the world over understand the democratic potential of social entrepreneurship. I am very happy Dr. Sandal has written this compelling and important work."Jerr BoscheeFounder and Executive Director, The Institute for Social EntrepreneursInterim President and CEO, Social Enterprise Alliance
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