
How To Live As A Christian | 1:a upplagan

av Meron Mehari

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Förlag BoD
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-12-01
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 230
ISBN 9789177855231
Kategori(er) Religion
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You have a longing to get closer to God but you don't know where to start, you have so many questions without anyone close to you who can answer them, your friends don't believe in Jesus, but you want more in life, you want to be in his light. This book is a guide that will help you in your journey with God. Simpler but also deeper questions are answered in this book.

How To Live As A Christian

What must be done to be saved and how do you know if you are saved? What is the holy spirit and does everyone have the holy spirit in them? How do you build your faith and live in your salvation? Why should you pray and how do you pray? What is sin and how do you stop sinning? Are there demons and can you tell if someone is possessed? Are there fake Christian branches and how do you know which branch is fake? Are there bad congregations and how do you choose the correct congregation?

This book contains answers to most topics concerning Christianity. Sin, demons, crime, sex, drugs & alcohol, friends, Jesus, good and bad churches, prayers, how to get closer to God, etc. Use this book as a guide so that you can learn and more easily move forward in your journey with God. Everything written in the book is backed up with biblical texts.
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