
Dr Rose.M.Peterson Diary | 1:a upplagan

av Lars Ericson Wolke

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Förlag BoD
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-11-09
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 412
ISBN 9789180076715
Kategori(er) Biografier
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Dr Rose M. Peterson Diary
In this book you can follow Dr. Rose M. Peterson, 37, who was disappointed at home and thought about running away from these problems for a while. Naive, young and adventurous, but at the same time trained to help people in need, she took a job as a doctor at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) very secret mission when she was to serve in war-torn Syria and was stationed in Aleppo. You can read about what happened then in the book by following all the emails she has written to me. Read about her dreams and disappointments in life. Her homesickness, the joy of leaving Aleppo and all the problems that followed. and all the greedy people and bureaucrats who follow this story
When Dr. Rose M. Peterson received a large sum of money for the work for MSF, which was converted into a private fund, which I appointed by her to be the recipient of the fund until she could leave the hospital and she gained control of it. This fund would now be transported through England and through the banking world in Europe and the European Central Bank (ECB). You can read about how it works or not in the book. Follow the development of the story by reading all emails sent to me. This book reveals the banking world that no outsider understands.
Thanks to everyone who helped her anonymously lend money to be able to save her fund, her compensation in money for all work within MSF. Follow the dramatic story from the first contact in 2013 to how it ends.
Everything that happens within MSF and the banking world is secret, everyone has a duty of confidentiality. I have no duty of confidentiality and you can read her e-mail correspondence in the book "Dr Rose diary".
How well does "Medicine Sans Frontieres (MSF)" intervene for its doctors in crisis. Read and think.
Do you work in the banking world or as a doctor or nurse, or just generally interested, then this book is a must to gain insight into a world that is very secretiv
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