
Games of Justice

av Cansu Bostan

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Förlag Media-Tryck
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2022-06-20
Antal sidor 406
ISBN 9789180392891
Kategori(er) Juridik
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Games of Justice presents an ethnographic exploration of subjective experiences relying on different historicizations and the ways they inform the connections between law and justice in Northern Kurdistan. By analyzing law and justice as ethnographic objects whose forms and functions are contingent upon being named and attributed meanings, inquiries focus on various historicizations/spatializations in Northern Kurdistan to understand: i) the modern spatiotemporal boundaries of the Turkish nation-state, its law and justice narratives, ii) experiences informing justice aspirations and their translations into the experience-distant language of state law, and iii) appearing/disappearing mechanisms attributed justness and functions of legality beyond the state law. By presenting the accounts, namings and meanings in their multiplicity, this study hopes to contribute to an imaginary of honorable and sustainable peace in Northern Kurdistan.
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