
The Art of Leadership. The Norm for Foresightness, Effectivness and Trust | 1:a upplagan

av Ulf Lindberg och Christer Hanefalk

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Förlag Ekerlids
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Danskt band
Utgiven 2020-12-09
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 400
ISBN 9789188849281
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Methods and processes to accomplish a leadership that is foresighted, effective and trust inducing   The top management of many organizations has worked with well-proven methods for strategic development, project management and optimization of horizontal delivery processes. Measuring and optimizing effectiveness in the vertical leadership process is the next natural step. The discoveries and methods for doing precisely that are not as equally well-known. They are described in part six of this book.

The conclusions and recommendations provided are based upon analysis of leadership effectiveness, made possible by these quantitative methods in over 300 operations. The transparency in effectiveness has resulted in valuable insights that are the foundation of this book. The book is also a solid exposé that provides a holistic view of the importance of leadership, as well as knowledge of the most important processes to achieve effective leadership of organizations.

From the construction of the Great Pyramid 4,600 years ago, to Sun Tzus famous writings from the 6th century BC, then through the Roman Empire to the Industrial Revolution with Smith, Taylor, and Ford and further to Lean SixSigma, through prominent project management methods, digitalization and Agile methods; as well as more recent gurus and front-line teachings and illustrations of the need for leadership in very different businesses.  

This is the most insightful and perhaps even more importantly the most useful leadership book Ive read. I would certainly have gained tremendously from it, had it been available when I was running Nokia.

Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo CEO Nokia 20062010

Ulf Lindberg has many years of experience in group management at a global level and as CEO and entrepreneur in SME:s. Over the past 20 years he has succesfully applied the scientific tools to optimize vertical leadership in various companies and in public operations.

Christer Hanefalk has been working the last 25 years as an educator in art of rhetoric. He has also developed the most comprehensive encyclopedia in the field of rhetoric as well as an internet-based system for the creation of creative text.

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