
Labelography : the major U.K. record labels | 1:a upplagan

av Jan Petersson

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Förlag Premium Publishing
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2008-11-04
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 584
ISBN 9789189136076
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To ensure a collectable records value it is important to have it in mint condition, but if it´s also a verified first pressing it will hold it value even better. Usually sellers of original records claim that their records are first pressings without having any kind of proof. Finally, now you don't have to guess anymore, you can just compare your copy wih the hundreds of reference pictures of labels and covers, and find out if you have an original pressing or not. This guide even tells you during what months a record actually was pressed. And in wich specific record plant... It even diplays all company sleeve variations and during what time periods they were used. Lableography is not written about any specific artists, it's written about the record labels which means that any artist or record on the seven labels are all covered here in one single book. This meticously resarched book also have special pages focusing on The Beatles, Rolling Stones and The Kinks to explain some finer details you should be attentive to. The book is intended as a field guide and should be as essential to bring to a record shop or a record fair as a book about birds when you go out bird watching. It's also an essential tool when buying or selling rare records on eBay or other internet sites.
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