
Earned value management : an introduction | 1:a upplagan

av Sven Antvik och Erik Philipson Sven Antvik

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Förlag Philipson Biz
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2009-12-15
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 99
ISBN 9789197739450
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Earned Value Management - an introduction:

Media often reports on projects that have been not only delayed but also more expensive than planned. In spite of this they have not delivered the desired results. These types of project occur in business as well as in the public sector.

How come?

Our opinion is that a main reason is that problems are not detected and verified until it’s too late and therefore the proper measures cannot be taken. If the problems could be identified at an early stage it would be easier to correct them. This would, of course, save a lot of money – and time. Is this a predetermined pattern?

There is a method which, at a quite early stage, can show the real status of projects and also forecast time and cost variances at the end of the project.

Early anticipation of differences compared to the plan gives time for consideration and implementation of corrective measures.

There is a method which, at a quite early stage, can show the real status of projects and also forecast time and cost variances at the end of the project.

The application of it can cure the problems with overrun costs, delivery delays and unsatisfactory results.

At first sight the method might give the impression of being tedious and complicated, but it is not! In this book we have used our knowledge and field experience to describe the method in a plain, comprehensible way.
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