
Alchemy - The Divine Work

av Katarina Falkenberg

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Förlag Maria Knyphausen
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-09-23
ISBN 9789198104530
Kategori(er) Fakta
 ↳ Uppslagsböcker mm.
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Alchemy is one of the world's oldest wisdom traditions and has until recently been a secret tradition that was only passed down to the chosen and often through a coded language. This is because alchemy touches upon that which nothing can surpass - the eternal life of the golden consciousness.

Alchemy shows the way into the deepest mysteries of existence, where our essence - our gold - can be revealed. We can realise our full potential through alchemy, access our hidden divine abilities and reach spiritual wholeness. The alchemist's work is about making the

impossible possible - to achieve immortality. The metaphor for this transformation is expressed as the refining of dark lead into shining gold.This miraculous process is the secret of secrets to which this book carries the keys.

For the first time, the divine work is presented in its entirety by authors with extensive experience in alchemy. The book Alchemy - the Divine Work conveys alchemy's history, philosophy and practice, and instructs the reader on how to become an alchemical master. Through this, one becomes a divine co-creator in both one's own refining process as well as that of the entire creation, like a true philosopher - a true lover of wisdom.

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