
The Speaker's Journey : 7 Steps To Create the Important Narratives & Speeches for Our Transformative Times

av Rebecka Carlsson

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Förlag Heja Framtiden Förlag
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2023-11-15
ISBN 9789198775686
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
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We're entering exceptionally transformative times. And if we are to restore the Garden of Eden and create a paradise on Earth, we have narratives to create. Great narratives for the world we want to see, and smaller ones for more specific knowledge and wisdom. We also say this all the time: "We need new stories for the future." But now let's actually create them. It's also important that we spread them to the world. Speech is the most human, and therefore powerful form of communication we have, and in our times we'll need the most human and powerful forms we've got. Therefore, this book will give you a seven step process, to help you create narratives, and release them as speeches − as a spiritual practice, and a collaborative act. It's for all leaders wanting to lead through Generative Stories − in your organizations − for our world.
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