
POETRY - From an ordinary life lived in extraordinary presence | 1:a upplagan

av Niklas Lindhardt

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Förlag Into The New World AB
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Pocket
Utgiven 2024-06-13
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 164
ISBN 9789198929447
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Each poem in this volume is a reflection of life. My life. Caught in the moment. All of them tell a story. Each of them reflect an experience I was given. I never sit down to write. I write when a poem comes to me. Sometimes in a few bullets, waiting for the rest to come, but more often in a flow from first letter to last. The poems are arranged in order of creation. The first one is written in autumn of 2019, and the last one in February 2024. So this is not just a collection of poems, it is a reflection of a life. A reflection of a four and a half year long journey. My life journey - shared in the order of experience - in poetry. I see each poem as a gift to be shared. As you now hold this volume in your hand you will do them the honour of being read. My wish for you is not to understand them. Let go of the sensemaking. I believe that life is not about being understood, but about being experienced. So, my invitation for you is to stay with your experience. Read them with your heart and soul open to receive your experience. And let them speak to you the way they are meant to, just now. In listening to the subtle voices from within the depth of your full being. With Love Niklas LIndhardt
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