
Marine Niche: Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences : Translational Research | 1:a upplagan

av Chandrashekar Mootapally och Neelam M Nathani

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-11-10
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 458
ISBN 9789811550164
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This book offers a comprehensive study of biological molecules acquired from marine organisms, which have been exploited for drug discovery with the aim to treat human diseases. Biomolecules have potential impacts on a diverse range of fields, including medical and pharmaceutical science, industrial science, biotechnology, basic research, molecular science, environmental science and climate change, etc. To understand and effectively apply medicinally important biomolecules, multidisciplinary approaches are called for.

The ocean remains a rich biological resource, and the vast untapped potential of novel molecules from marine bio-resources has caught the interest of more and more researchers. These novel biological compounds have never been found in terrestrial or other ecosystems, but only in this rich niche. Advances in sampling techniques and technologies, along with increased funding for research and nature conservation, have now encouraged scientists to look deeper in the waters. Aquaculture supports both tremendous seafood production and the bulk production of marine-derived drugs. Furthermore, molecular methods are now being extensively employed to explore the untapped marine microbial diversity. With the help of molecular and biotech tools, the ability of marine organisms to produce new biosynthetic drugs can be greatly enhanced. This book provides an extensive compilation of the latest information on marine resources and their undisputedly vital role in the treatment of diverse ailments.


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