
Contemporary Logistics in China : Persistent Reformation, Continual Opening and Vibrant Innovation | 1:a upplagan

av Shao-ju Lee och Junling Wang

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-08-07
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 248
ISBN 9789811569449
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This book is the tenth volume in a series titled “Contemporary Logistics in China,” authored by researchers from the Logistics Research Center at Nankai University. In the spirit of the nine preceding annual volumes, this book carries on the tenet of providing a systematic exposition of the logistics development in China for the English-speaking community at large. In particular, this volume captures China’s ever-progressing logistics development over the past four decades of “reform and opening” directives and reflects on the technological advancement and systemic reformation.

Subjects covered in this volume encompass the macro-factors pertaining to the overall development in logistics technologies and facilities, region-specific policies and plans, industry-wide transformation in manufacturing, commerce, agriculture, and supply chain logistics. Specifically, it describes the innovation in supply chain service and the application of intelligent logistics in China in 2018, and recounts the evolution and expansion of the logistics functionalities in the Free Trade Zones in recent years. The expositions on and analyses of these subjects are based on the latest available sources and statistical data.

As with the previous volumes, the ultimate aim of this book is to present a timely portrait of the rapid growth of China’s logistics market and the status quo of its logistics industry. In so doing, the book attempts to afford an in-depth analysis of critical issues pertaining to the ongoing, dynamic and multi-faceted development, and provide a valuable reference to interested readers in the academic and professional fields.

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