
Communication, Civilization and China : Discovering the Tang Dynasty (618–907) | 1:a upplagan

av Zhibin Lin och Shixi Wu

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-11-12
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 413
ISBN 9789811578076
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Referencing more than 40 ancient works as well as 70 books and papers of contemporary scholars, this book opens up the civilization, society, culture and communication of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang period represented unprecedented prosperity in the ancient world. Combining the socio-cultural background of ancient China and academic achievements of modern times, this book presents an intensive and in-depth exploration of the communicative organisations, methods and ideas of that period. The book looks at Tang methods of communication, from the postal delivery system and first newspaper to military communication in times of peace and war. It also considers questions of literature, poetry and public space as well as the impact of folk culture and communication on the Tang Dynasty, and examines the intellectual atmosphere of the time and debates surrounding freedom of speech and thought, positioning the Tang Dynasty as the end of the classic world and the beginning of modern society. 

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